The 2-Inch Core Bit Explained. For drilling large holes through highly durable materials such as concrete, brick or stone you will need a 2 inch ドライコアビット. Funcこのユニークなツールは、さまざまな作業を容易にする多くの便利な機能を備えているため、掘削作業に革命をもたらしました。
ドリルビットはこちら、通常のドリル部品か2インチのコアビットか?最初の違いは大きい:GUHUA コンクリートコアビット 少ない労力でより速く作業できます。また、周囲の材料に付随的な損傷を与えることなく、きれいで正確な穴を開けることができます。これらのツールには、大型機械までさまざまなタイプのドリルが適しています。また、正しく使用すれば非常に頑丈です。
これらの設計図は、研究者によって開発された2インチコアビットの新しい設計です。 コアビットセット version has a void in the middle, allowing it to extract cores more efficiently than previous solid styles. The deep down grooves on the part also helped it cut cleanly, and kept in from getting jammed or burning. Furthermore, diamond segments on the bit make it capable of cutting through difficult materials with ease.
2インチのビットは建設プロジェクトに適しているだけでなく、小さな家の修理やDIY作業にも役立ちます。乾式壁やその他の表面に穴を開けて新しい配線やパイプを通すのに最適です。ドアをトリムしたり、窓や天窓用の穴を開けたりすることもできます。GUHUA コアビットダイヤモンド より速く正確な作業に役立ちます。
2 inch is quite easy to core, even for first timers. Follow these steps: Select the correct bit for your drill material. Fit the bit into your drill machine or drilling machine. Put the bit on top of where you want a hole, and drill. Step 4Lower the drill to turn it in a counterclockwise direction. Keep turning the drill clockwise and move around all six sides of your hole saw line, taking care not to overlap two lines or crowd them together wrongly by keeping half of each groove nestled into place against one another until there is no better access space available at that point. Which makes ダイヤモンドコアビット プロフェッショナルに見えるように、すべてのビットを取り除き、残った破片をすべて掃除する必要があります。
Guhua has skilled R D 2 inch core bittop engineers and experts who have been a part of industry for over 20 years. We obtained 40+ invention patents, and are the world leader in designing, developing producing brazed diamond tools, enabling precision-built drilling, cutting and grinding equipment to process various hard brittle materials and complex high-precision products.
are able provide products that of the highest quality outstanding cost 2 inch core bitthanks our efficient production methods.
have more than 20 years trading 2 inch core bitwith clients from over 60 countries. now have local warehouses and subsidiaries located in UK, India, and Kenya. We can provide one-stop solutions for global customers ranging that range from R D as well as production to logistics and after-sales support.
extensive production experience has led create strict Q C 2 inch core bit. products strictly tested prior delivery, and include an inspection random every process a quality check for every component of the key procedures. SGS certification for testing as well as internationally recognized quality management system ISO09001:2015 have been both achieved. Each of the Guhua products are certified by MPA and CE safety certification.
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