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Xafra tat-tqattigħ tad-djamanti ta '125mm

This is the kind of blade that an individual needs in order to be able to cut any materials with absolute precision and finesse. This is a blade known for its high level of toughness and durability, as it features natural diamonds embedded in an incredibly tough bonded matrix on a robust metal disc.

Why Choose the Diamond Cutting Blade

You would be surprised at what making your entire projects with a diamond cutting blade does to benefit you. It is multipurpose to be used in many types of construction items like concrete, bricks tiles and loose metal enormously. The flexibility is in cost and time, as one blade makes thousands of cross cuts. Moreover, the diamond blades are precision engineered which also eliminates waste on metals for high result oriented project. Additionally, these mowers do the work faster which ultimately means a time saver for you.

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